3:02 p.m.


funny how things change. i came home today as soon as i could because i feel so bummed. jwb is a big part of it, even though i didn't see him. 'even though'? huh? yesterday i saw him twice and had a great day. today i'm hurting and feel neither sexy nor horny. i feel bummed. i don't want a hummer. i don't want to get nailed. i want to be held, nuzzled, calmed, and maybe even made slow quiet love to.

anybody out there wanna spoon up behind me and just hold me?

i'll tidy up some work stuff and look at porn. i've been thinking about posting a slew of pics and exploring my likes and dislikes.

i'd rather be loved on, though.


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encroaching increase of darkness - 2008-11-02

Bones - 2008-09-20

random bitchings and musings - 2008-07-09

Man with Huge Cock - 2008-07-04

Eric and other crazy shit - 2008-06-29


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