6:48 p.m.

oggi in Italia (ed altra merda)

First off, you gotta know I love Italy. A lot. A whole lot. Had I the money, could I make a living there, I'd be there now. Paradise? NO. Lots of stuff over there pisses me off. Ditto here. Go to Rome and you'll recognize two things immediately. First, everyone is so beautiful they must have all fallen out of a catalog. Second, Fellini made documentaries. Sarebbe facile per me. Io parlo italiano, ma per il mio sposo, non tanto. Lui non pu� imparare.

So here are a couple Italy related things for today.

It's summertime in Italy, so the digestivo of choice is limoncello. Easy to make. Try this recipe. You'll be flat on your back with your legs wide open in no time!


1 750 ml vodka (100 proof preferable)

1.5 cups sugar

1. Use vegetable peeler to shave yellow zest off lemons, taking as little white pith as possible. Put zest in a half-gallon jar with a tight fitting lid and add vodka. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 10 days, or until zest is pale and vodka deep yellow.

2. Strain liquid into large glass bowl. Leave zest in strainer.

3. Bring 3 cups water and the sugar to boil in a saucepan, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Boil for 3 minutes. Pour hot sugar syrup over zest in strainer into heatproof bowl. Discard zest and let cool.

4. Add syrup to vodka, forming a liqueur. Pour into bottles with tight fitting lids. Let stand for 5 days. Store in freezer.

This also happened in Italy today.

I'd like to go off on this, and maybe I will, but only after I get over the invasion of Iraq('s oilfields) being planned before 9/11, and the biggest deficit in history (snatched from Clinton's biggest surplus in history), and the 6 million jobs lost in the past 3 years, and that we are now universally hated by the world, and the... the list is too long.

NO president would be better than this stupid piece of shit. I'd say it's just as well that it's really Cheney that's driving us over a cliff, except that he's driving us over a cliff. (Thanks, Scalia.)

I guess we'll have to wait and see who Scalia appoints (annoints?) as the new cipher... I mean figurehead.

At least Kerry's a veteran, not a draft dodger, hasn't been busted for coke and DUIs, and has a sense of compassion for those with incomes under $1,000,000.

Disaster has been successfully rescued from the jaws of progress these past few years. Aren't you relieved that the rich are getting richer, the poor poorer, and that unrest in the Middle East is at an all time high? And how about all those Americans being killed daily over there? Go US!

Pity Iraq was never the enemy. Al Qaeda. Remember them?

But the latest excuse is gotta establish 'democracy' (which we don't have). Hmmm. Let's see. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, KUWAIT. All MONARCHIES.

And we shouldn't mention really scary places like Burma. (Alas! They have no oil!)

Please, everyone, leave your computers and go check your closets, your basements, your attics. Those WMD have to be SOMEWHERE!!!!

DUH-bya should ask his daddy. Maybe he kept the receipts. He's the one that carried on Reagan's policy of arming and training Al Qaeda, Hussein as well. That's where the WMD came from in the first place! Poor Saddam. Another well financed Republican puppet gone awry. He should have learned from Noriega what happens to bad puppets.

Well. Not our problem, eh? It's our children's. Both the debt and the fatalities.

Have a nice day!


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