10:28 a.m.

girl ass

Well, last night wasn't too awful bad. When I entered the place and was standing in line to get my doofy nametag there were three young ladies (21-ish?) standing in a row off to the side all with their backs to me. They were all wearing hobble skirts -- my fav and which I haven't seen in a very long time. The skirts were perfectly form fitting to their perfectly formed asses. Alter Ego would have been jizzing all over himself. As for me, I was mesmerized. I couldn't decide which one I wanted to grab by the hips and introduce my little buddy to first. Wow!

The food was disappointing as I expected. The speaker was good. He talked about how counter-productive the Cheney administration's No Child's Behind Left policy was.

I heard a good Lakota Sioux proverb: "When it has been detected that a horse is dead, the first strategy is to dismount." Good advice, especially for me.

When I got home I successful in my effort to avoid that stack of paperwork. I cruised around d-land looking for diaries of late high school/college age straight guys who write about their 'adventures'. I found nothing. I went through the naughty diary rings I belong to. The vast majority of what I found were high school girls, 'goth' or 'bisexual' or both.

Stupid me am still subscribed to JWB's web page. It was just updated. He axed most of it -- and what was axed was all Jesus Wejus stuff. Hmmm. That's his deal.

Gotta scoot. More later.


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encroaching increase of darkness - 2008-11-02

Bones - 2008-09-20

random bitchings and musings - 2008-07-09

Man with Huge Cock - 2008-07-04

Eric and other crazy shit - 2008-06-29


Thinkin' 'bout: nada

Dog(s) keeping me company: work

Current read: 3