10:08 a.m.

a few notes

I give that big presentation in an hour. So here I sit at home, still in only boxers and unshaven. Drinking a beer no less.

Rather than do the paperwork that was supposed to have been done by last Friday, I re-scanned the Tony images and put them through a routine that keeps them from having that icky corduroy effect. (thanks for the lead, AWA!)

That's what I've been doing this morning as well.

Yesterday I did manage to write the presentation and make a web page for all the images that go with it. It took most of my day, so I didn't feel too bad about sitting out to write another Tony episode.

Just as I was finishing it he really did pull into his driveway. Workmen were still around, so we just stood at the fence and talked for about half an hour. I gave him couple bottles of my wine.

I don't know if I'll get a chance to write another chapter today.

A few notes about the story. As I said, what's true and what's not I'm keeping to myself. (nya nya) Ditto for another, separate story that's coming up dealing with Ryan (whose last day is Wednesday. Yeah!) In the stories I'm making like I'm single. Eventually, not in story form, I'll get into the whole LO business.

Well, as Dottie Parker wrote:

Time does flit
Oh shit


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encroaching increase of darkness - 2008-11-02

Bones - 2008-09-20

random bitchings and musings - 2008-07-09

Man with Huge Cock - 2008-07-04

Eric and other crazy shit - 2008-06-29


Thinkin' 'bout: S A L

Dog(s) keeping me company: that damn presentation

Current read: 4