4:01 p.m.

Checkmate 1

I went to work extra early Friday so I could have some peace and quiet -- my suite-mates get pretty obnoxious. When I got there the door was unlocked and the lights already on. Hmm... As I rounded a corner to get to my office I found the culprit. Brian. He was sitting at a table at a computer not far from my office door. Brian is a part-time office assistant so he has keys and had no reason to be there at 7:15 AM.

He and I had had a very intense (and bizarre) relationship for about 3 years until he suddenly ditched me this past June. He sent me a text message one night informing me of that fact, then it was the old non-response silent treatment from him all summer. In September he quit a part-time job that he really liked (and was pretty much a sinecure) in order to take this one. Yea, the wage was a tad higher, but it would always mean being around me -- whom he seemed to have despised -- every day. You'd think that he'd have wanted to avoid me... or maybe not. Well, I got the silent treatment at work from him. He only spoke when he had to, otherwise I was like a ghost to him. Certainly no personal communication between us.

When I walked in and saw him I noticed him looking at me out of the corner of his eye, then he snapped his head back to the screen saying nothing. I figured why bother to speak if he's gonna continue to be a drama queen, let him. It's a game he'll have to play alone. Back in the day I'd have come on bended knee all boo-hoo begging forgiveness for shit I had no idea what I'd done. That tack ain't workin' no mo'. Something I found odd was that, well, about a year ago he and I got some wild, silly hair up our collective asses and went to a western clothing store. We got matching shirts and boots. (We already had matching earrings and boxers.) He was in full regalia.

I just shrugged my shoulders, let myself into my office, and started my morning ritual, which consists of plopping my bag on my desk chair, grabbing my cup and a teabag, heading to the other end of the suite (which meant passing him again), water goes in cup with teabag and into the microwave they go. I return to my office (passing him) to unpack my bag while waiting. The bell dings, back I go (passing him), fetch the tea, return to office (passing him), and gently close my door.

At all 5 passes I was ignored, dramatically by him, whateverly by me. The days of Seth go kow-tow are over. Brian appeared to be figuring that out. A few minutes later as I was sitting there attempting to hurry the steeping by teabagging (hehe) there was a rap at my door. I looked up and there at my office window stood Brian. I motioned for him to come in with a quiet grin. He opened the door widely and started a conversation. I expected work stuff, but he had a very relaxed face -- smile even! -- a special one that he used to give me back when he wanted something.

I just had a random memory.
Oh? the WTF probably showing on my face.
'Member the time I was refilling the gin bottle for the freezer and wasn't paying attention and the bottle started overflowing and you started whipping me with a dishrag yelling "alcohol abuse!"?

After a post-shock pause I saw this 'let's ignore the elephant in the living room' ploy and responded.

Yep. I remember. It was the morning of the last day we had sex.

Clearly not the response he was expecting, so he stood there sort of slack-jaw.

I continued,
Best sex we'd ever had. I still jerk off to the feel of your legs wrapped around my back that afternoon.

I had a martini last night and remembered... uh... well... I thought of us... uh... I mean you.
We're almost out of kibble so I need to stop at Publix on the way home.
That was random.

I just looked at him and grinned. Message received. He walked off leaving the door open.

About 15 minutes later he appeared at my door again, just staring. I did my wordless puppy 'huh?' head tilt thing and he walked in closing the door behind him. He came up to my desk, placed the flats of his hands on it, revealing that he wasn't wearing my ring anymore. Or any rings -- odd for him. There was one of those pauses that lasts forever and I couldn't bring myself to engage him in eye-lock as I used to. That was a comfort zone once, but I feared I'd well if I did and he'd 'win' this little dance. He came around to my side of the desk and stood right beside my chair looking at my computer screen.

Whatcha doin'?
Normal morning bullshit.

I wasn't taking the bait. This was an old ritual of ours. He wanted some certain special attention. He gave a slight bump of his hip against my shoulder and widened his stance a little. The cue was for me to drop my hand, wrap it around his leg, and slowly raise it caressing his inner thigh until I could grab his crotch and massage his hole with my thumb and balls with my fingers. He knew I knew the drill and wasn't cooperating, so he gently moved my hand from the keyboard and moved it exactly where he wanted it. I reversed the process and slid my hand down the inside of his thigh and went back to the keyboard.

He laid a hand on my shoulder and made a point of my noticing him bending over to check out my crotch region. He saw my bulge and little wet spot beginning to soak through. He nodded and silently left...


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encroaching increase of darkness - 2008-11-02

Bones - 2008-09-20

random bitchings and musings - 2008-07-09

Man with Huge Cock - 2008-07-04

Eric and other crazy shit - 2008-06-29


Thinkin' 'bout: Tanner's new jeans perfectly promote his package

Dog(s) keeping me company: T

Current read: Job (Old Testament)