4:59 p.m.


Not such a bad day today. I got up early and finished almost all of that paperwork. The numbers came out ugly and no one was happy. Oh well.

First thing in at work I ran into JWB. We were alone in the hall and, despite recent events, we did that mutual pretend the other one isn't there. I'm so glad Wednesday is his last day.

My new ring was admired.

The psoriasis is spreading like wildfire and it feels like it as well. This afternoon I noticed a spot on my pecker ... NO WAY!!! So I got a dermatologist appointment for Friday. I've tried virtually everything. Now there are some new treatments available, but they involve going in for weekly shots. There is also one that you can give yourself the shots twice a week. I don't like shots. If I can't even put eyedrops in my own eyes, how could I give myself shots?

I'm waiting for the Muse again. She seems to have put me on hold at present. I'm not done with Tony. I haven't seen him in a few days. Then there's that other guy I want to write about. Both will be confabulations of fact and fantasy.

I've been reading and writing with a young man Down Under. He has a cutting fetish, which I've never understood. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves? Well, this morning I had an epiphany. I do too. Not blades or glass to my skin, but thoughts and imagination to my heart. My imagination is vivid, and sometimes I've caught myself deliberately conjuring hurtful memories and thoughts just to make me bleed inside. Why? Why am I so afraid to be happy I have to trip myself up every time? Clinical depression, I suppose. It's hard to swim with a lead weight around your neck.

I'm gonna try to write now. I probably won't have anything to post later, but I'll try. I think the Tony story will need more inspiration (i.e. Muse) than the non-Tony one.

Let me share a couple of my favorite links. They tend to pick me up.

One is the End of the World .

The other is The Exorcist in 30 seconds performed by bunnies .

OH! For you savvy d-land folk, what's up with the 'blockedReferrer' shit in the stats? Me no like. It gets me considering locking again. That and the fact that I'm too easily Googled.

One other thing. I'm thinking about adding the comments feature. Should I?


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Have any comments you'd like to share?
[So far 0 smart ass remarks have been made.]


encroaching increase of darkness - 2008-11-02

Bones - 2008-09-20

random bitchings and musings - 2008-07-09

Man with Huge Cock - 2008-07-04

Eric and other crazy shit - 2008-06-29


Thinkin' 'bout: martini

Dog(s) keeping me company: being on fire

Current read: 2