4:21 p.m.


the sun is out, the sky is blue, the temp is in the 60s, i feel pretty good despite...

i was chatting with a d-land friend who's at a crossroads last night. i don't think i was very useful.

someone contacted me via AIM last night and i put off responding because of the above convo, then the prog crashed and i didn't/don't remember the name.

i went to bed at 8:20, the light was out at about 8:40, and when to L O came to bed i was sprawled out in the middle snoring up a storm, so he went to the daybed. i felt bad for that.

the guy who'd offended me yesterday and i made nice and everything seemed ok today, except that his hero worship of me is a bit dampered now that he knows that i'm gay.

on the way home i stopped at the grocery store and some old lady rammed into me from behind with an empty cart. i whipped around to look and she barked "look where you're going!" i was standing in the check out line.

the little road i live on is about 1.5 lanes (no lines) and about a block from an elementary school. some vacuous bitch in a mini-van sat there blocking my driveway waiting for her sprog. she wouldn't move forward for me to pull in. she only needed to roll forward (no one else on the road). she wouldn't. i know she saw me trying to get around her (i drive a ford f-150 and there are deep ditches either side. eventually i just rolled up slowly, touched her bumper with mine and slowly applied the accelerator. she moved. selfish bitch.

then waiting for me on my ibook...

i owe some people some emails. i'm sorry. when it rains it pours! i got a couple nice messages, but also word that a new note had been left. here it is cut'n'paste:

Look, sorry to be a prude...you have the write to express yourself anyway you want....but if you are going to publicly advertise a banner on Diaryland...you really should have naked/porn images in your diary. It's not really appropriate for this community...

i didn't write back. why bother? a wink is as good as a nod to a blind bat. i'll say this, though:

-i felt bad that s/he (i'm guessing a s/he) was offended. i never mean to do that. consciousness raising is a different matter.

-'sorry', no. 'prude', yes

-'write' is a verb, not a noun.

-thanks for acknowledging the first amendment

-this person, a self-admitted prude, clicked on a banner that features two men kissing and the word 'genitals'. was s/he expecting kittens and rainbows?

-my name is pocket-pool. that is a reference to masturbation. hi!

-perhaps s/he meant 'should NOT have naked/porn...'. or maybe it was a Freudian slip.

-ah, the setting of community standards. Wir sind ein Volk!

-actually, i've been thinking that i should consider putting some sort of disclaimer to the side of every page announcing/warning that there is erotic content and stuff unsuitable for minors (which i mean) and for persons of a nervous disposition (case in point). maybe someday i will.

-there are several other, innocent looking banners for diaries that are much more obnoxious than mine!

-i could delete that note. but i won't.

-to make up for that offensive picture in the last entry, the beautiful form of that man, here's something i'm sure s/he'd find no problem with seeing in a diary.

THAT is what is offensive to me.

de gustibus non est disputandum


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encroaching increase of darkness - 2008-11-02

Bones - 2008-09-20

random bitchings and musings - 2008-07-09

Man with Huge Cock - 2008-07-04

Eric and other crazy shit - 2008-06-29


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